
Edward Allen
Ph.D., Mathematics, University of California at San Diego, 1991
Research Interests: Algebraic Combinatorics, Bioinformatics.

Justin Allman
Associate Teaching Professor
Manchester 380
PhD. Mathematics. University of North Carolina Chapel Hill. 2014
Research Interests: algebraic topology and geometry. representation theory.

Katie Betancourt
Visiting Assistant Professor
Manchester 122
PhD in Mathematics, University of Iowa
Research Interests: Mathematical fiber arts, math education, topological data analysis.

Abbey Bourdon
Associate Professor
Manchester 136
PhD in Mathematics, Wesleyan University
Research Interests: Arithmetic Geometry
Web Page: http://users.wfu.edu/bourdoam/

Kyle Celano
Teacher Scholar Postdoctoral Fellow
Manchester 245
PhD in Mathematics, University of Miami, 2023
Research Interests: Algebraic Combinatorics

Jennifer Erway
Manchester 130
Research interests: Numerical optimization, computational PDEs, numerical linear algebra, scientific computation
Web Page: http://www.wfu.edu/~erwayjb

Claudia Falcon
Assistant Professor
Manchester 381
Ph.D., Applied Mathematics, 2016, The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Research interests: Applied mathematics, fluid dynamics, partial differential equations, mathematical biology
Website: go.wfu.edu/falconc

John Gemmer
Associate Professor & Sterge Faculty Fellow
Manchester 388
Ph.D. Applied Mathematics, University of Arizona, 2012
Research interests: Applied mathematics, calculus of variations, partial differential equations, optics, dynamical systems, stochastic differential equations.
Web Page: http://users.wfu.edu/gemmerj/

Shohreh Gholizadeh Siahmazgi
Teacher-Scholar Postdoctoral Fellow
Manchester 245
PhD, Theoretical Physics, Wake Forest University
Research Interests: Quantum Field Theory in Curved Spacetime, General Relativity, Stochastic Differential Equations

Hugh Howards
PhD UCSD ’97
Research interests: Topology and Geometry
Web Page: http://users.wfu.edu/howards/

Miaohua Jiang
PHD Pennsylvania State University, 1995
Research interests: Dynamical Systems and Smooth Ergodic Theory
Web Page: http://users.wfu.edu/jiangm/

Thomas Kindred
Visiting Assistant Professor
Manchester 385
PhD (2018) in mathematics from the University of Iowa
Research interests: Geometric and combinatorial topology, mainly in dimensions 3 (classical knot theory, spanning surfaces, Khovanov homology) and 4 (knotted surfaces, trisections), but also in arbitrary dimension (multisections).
Web Page: https://thomaskindred.com/

Ellen Kirkman
PhD in Mathematics and M.S. in Statistics Michigan State University, 1975
Research interests: Noncommutative Algebra, Representation Theory, and Homological Algebra
Web Page: https://math.wfu.edu/dr-kirkman/

Leandro Lichtenfelz
Assistant Professor
Manchester 387
PhD, University of Notre Dame, 2018
Research interests: Differential Geometry, Global Analysis, Fluid Dynamics and General Relativity.

Sarah Mason
Ph.D., University of Pennsylvania, 2006
Research interests: Algebraic Combinatorics, Representation Theory

Jacob Mayle
Teacher Scholar Postdoctoral Fellow
Manchester 382
Ph.D. in Mathematics, University of Illinois Chicago
Research Interests: Number theory, arithmetic geometry, elliptic curves, Galois representations
Web Page: www.jacobmayle.com

Pratyush Mishra
Visiting Assistant Professor
Manchester 122
PhD in Mathematics, North Dakota State University, Fargo, 2023
Research interest: My research interest lies at the intersection of geometric group theory, the group of homeomorphisms of small manifolds, dynamical systems, and lattices of Lie groups.
Web Page: https://sites.google.com/view/pratyush-mishra-webpage/

Frank Moore
Ph.D. Mathematics, August 2008. University of Nebraska–Lincoln
Research interests: Commutative algebra. In particular, homological properties of commutative rings

Dylan Odessa
Teacher Scholar Postdoctoral Fellow
Manchester 245
PhD in Mathematics, University of North Carolina Chapel Hill, 2022
Website: https://go.wfu.edu/odessa/

Tolulope Oke
Visiting Assistant Professor
Manchester 383
PhD, Mathematics at Texas A&M, 2021
Research interests: Homological and noncommutative algebra, Hochschild cohomology and its associated Gerstenhaber algebra structure, Representation theory, invariant theory and deformation theory.
Web Page: https://tnoke2000.github.io/

Jason Parsley
Associate Professor
Ph.D., Mathematics, 2004, University of Pennsylania
Research interests: Differential Geometry, Geometric Analysis, Physical Knot Theory
Web Page: http://users.wfu.edu/parslerj/

Sarah Raynor
Ph.D., 2003, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Research interests: Partial Differential Equations; Semilinear dispersive PDEs: questions of well-posedness and qualitative behavior; Free boundary problems: regularity of the solution and its interface. Semilinear elliptic PDEs: Existence of positive solutions.
Web Page: https://raynorsg.sites.wfu.edu/

Stephen Robinson
Professor & Department Chair
Manchester 126
Ph.D. in Mathematics, University of California at Santa Cruz, 1991
Research interests: Ordinary and Partial Differential Equations; Nonlinear Analysis

Jeremy Rouse
Professor and Graduate Program Coordinator
Ph.D., Mathematics, 2007, University of Wisconsin
Research interests: Number Theory, Modular and Automorphic Forms, L-functions, Elliptic Curves, and Abelian Varieties.
Quadratic Forms.
Web Page: http://users.wfu.edu/rouseja/

Dominic Veconi
Teacher-Scholar Postdoctoral Fellow
Manchester 245
PhD, 2021, Penn State University
Research Interests: Hyperbolic dynamical systems, smooth ergodic theory, and thermodynamic formalism.
Webpage: https://dominic.veconi.com

Fan Yang
Assistant Professor
Manchester 332
PhD in Mathematics, 2015, University of Southern California
Research Interests: Dynamical systems, ergodic theory, stochastic process
Website: https://sites.google.com/view/fan-yang-dynamical-systems

Lynne Yengulalp
Associate Teaching Professor and Director of the Math & Stats Center
Manchester 135
PhD Mathematics, University of Kansas 2009
Research interests: Topology and set theory
Website: https://sites.google.com/a/wfu.edu/lynne-yengulalp-wfu/