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Departmental Majors

If you are contemplating one of the majors listed above, you may want to consider taking one of the following courses this fall; please check WIN to verify availability.

Note: Students considering taking MTH 111 should take an ALEKS placement exam during the summer before arriving on campus.  This program will guide you through review of necessary topics and place you into an appropriate course. 

Course Title  Credit Hours 
MTH 105L Fundamentals of Algebra and Trigonometry Lab 1 or 2
MTH 106 Placement into MTH 106 will be based on ALEKS placement scores.  Students who take MTH 106 in the fall will be placed into a special section of MTH 111 in the spring. Calculus Foundations 3
MTH 111 Most students take MTH 111 and MTH 105L (1h) concurrently. Calculus with Analytic Geometry I 4
MTH 112 Should take with AP BC Calculus score of 3, 4, or 5,  AP AB Calculus score of 4 or 5, AP AB Calculus sub-score of 4 or 5, or MTH 111 credit. Calculus with Analytic Geometry II 4
MTH 113 Should take with AP BC Calculus score of 4 or 5 or MTH 112 credit. Multivariable Calculus 4
MTH 117 May take with sufficient background in logic. Good alternative for students with AP BC 4 or 5. Discrete Mathematics 4
MTH 121 May take with sufficient background. Good alternative for students with AP BC 4 or 5. Linear Algebra I 3

NOTE: Prospective Mathematical Economics Majors should also consider ECN 150, Introduction to Economics (3 hr).

The following link contains requirements for the minor in Mathematics

 AP Credit and IB Credit policies are found here.