Research Exploration in Mathematics

Are you a freshman or sophomore interested in trying out math research in a fun, low-stakes environment? Take MTH 191: Research Exploration in Mathematics!
MTH 191 runs as a 1-credit hour pass/fail course each spring, and there are no prerequisites to sign up. This course is intended for first- and second-year undergraduates. We will study famous examples of research results in mathematics, and you’ll learn how to approach creative mathematical work through introductory research projects. Along the way, you’ll develop useful skills such as Latex, basic coding, and effective communication.
“MTH 191 is one of the most valuable courses I have taken in my time at Wake so far. For most of my life I knew I loved math, but all I really knew was that I enjoyed learning how to solve specific problems. I had no idea what research in math would look like, but now that I’ve taken this course, I know that it is an aspect of mathematics that I enjoy as well. It was incredibly exciting and fulfilling to come up with questions and try out methods of solving them. It taught me that even something not working out is valuable.” – MTH 191 student, Spring 2024